Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bryan's State is Friendlier than Yours!

Bryan Fischer recently reaffirmed his mission to ‘make Idaho the friendliest place in the world to raise a family’ by citing a study which places Idaho among the ‘top ten’ most ‘free’ states in the US.

[Editors’ Note: Anytime Bryan Fischer uses a word like ‘freedom,’ it's generally safe to assume he means something akin to the exact opposite.]

Bryan then takes to task non-free states, declaring them bastions of ‘bondage’ while issuing a dire warning to his followers: ‘if you think it’s bad here [in Idaho], imagine what it would be like to be stuck’ elsewhere.

He then provides a list of these horrid, anti-freedom states. Such as they’re characterized, one might expect these places to resemble Pol Pot’s Cambodia, the Ayatollah’s Iran, or perhaps even North Korea. Indeed, nothing good has ever come from the biggest anti-freedom states on the list, which are: Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Connecticut, California, Washington, and Hawaii.

But the worst offender of all, a place Fischer describes as ‘the least free state in the union,’ is New York. That's right, New York. And we couldn’t agree more. After all, everyone knows that New York is a veritable bastion of fascism. Those rumors about New York City being the financial capital of the world and the engine that drives the global economy are just liberal media propaganda. It’s actually quite a nasty, totalitarian place.

The IVC would like all its readers to consider themselves warned, and to plan travel accordingly.

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